Solemn High Mass For the Celebration of our Patronal Feast, The Chair of St. Peter, our emerging community will have a Mass that includes all three Sacred Ministers: Priest, Deacon & Subdeacon
Saturday, February 19th Confessions: 3:00 pm Mass: 4:00 pm Childcare available during Mass BBQ Dinner in Parish Hall following Mass Celebrant: Rev. Fr. Greg Tipton, St. Aelred Catholic Church, Athens, GA Deacon: Rev. Mr. Jacob Lindle, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, OH Subdeacon: Mr. Greg Orcutt, Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham, Houston, TX Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Lower Chapel 208 7th Ave W, Hendersonville, NC This will also be our first... Mass to have a Polyphonic Mass setting. Our guest schola will be singing the Mass for Four Voices by Thomas Tallis and selections of English Choral Music. A BBQ dinner will be provided. If you would like to bring a side, dessert or festive drink for dinner email wncord@gmail.com
Questions? Contact Joshua Johnson at wncord@gmail.com or 864-887-5771.