Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
208 7th Avenue West Hendersonville, NC 28791
4:30 - 5:15 pm

5:30 pm: Holy Mass in the Ordinariate Form

Fr. Armando Alejandro offering the First Ordinariate Mass at Immaculate Conception
Choral Music at Mass offered by Queen of Angels Schola
Click on video above to hear the beautiful music that will be sung at this week's Mass by the Schola!
Join us for LIFECHAIN and Fellowship at Blue Ghost Brewery Prior to Confessions and Mass!

Prior to going to church for Confessions we will be joining the LifeChain (pro-life witness) in Arden/Fletcher on US-25 between Hillcrest Rd and Alliance Page Rd, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Contact Joanne Gregory or call 828-329-9787.
Following Lifechain we will be fellowshipping at the Blue Ghost Brewery, 125 Underwood Rd, Fletcher, NC 28732. Bring a portable chair. A food truck will be available.